A welcome note from the head of school
Be Montessori School is honoured to open its doors in September 2020 to offer your children a high-quality education, based on the development of each child’s empowerment and independence.
Our school is the fruit of a long journey which started 8 years ago with a dream : to build a school based on kindness, respect, joy of learning and acceptance.
For us, respect is multiple : self-respect, respect of own pace and needs, respect for others, respect for nature and the environment.
To achieve these goals, we work to co-build a united and respectful community through the benefits of multi-age grouping, increased contact with nature and language immersion.
Be Montessori School, it is a place where all the staff is passionate and actively committed to help children build their foundations to being this child but also the future teenager, adult, leader, innovator and entrepreneur. Here, we are all fully dedicated to offer the best to the children.
Thank you for your trust and be assured that your child development is our daily work.